Pay attention! To supply the glow strip with power you need a driver that you can order here: article 400021 or article 400020
Can be connected to eg the car's battery (only for 24 V). One Driver per Glowstrip, more Glowstrips are desired on the same Driver - extend with a 2-way or 4-way connection. The recommended total length of Glowstrip per Driver is, in our opinion, 5 meters so that the brightness is not experienced too weak (see more info at the bottom).
Dimensions of wires:
Length of cord out to Glowstrip: 50 cm
Length of cord to current (plus / minus): 50 cm
Dimensions of driver:
Length: 39 mm (including holes for possible driver attachment)
Width: 18 mm
Height: 22 mm
Recommended maximum length per Driver
With a 2-way coupling and 4-way coupling, you can get more than 5 meters of Glowstrip in total on a Driver. However, we recommend that you switch on a maximum of 5 meters Glowstrip in total per Driver. It is technically possible to have longer distances but the brightness then becomes worse the longer the strip you have. If you want more than 5 meters then our recommendation is to increase with more Drivers. Consumption per Glowstrip is always the same regardless of length: 0.1A.
NOTE: When the Driver receives power, it emits a weak, high-frequency sound. This is completely normal and nothing that affects its function and nothing that can be done about it.