Kirk's coffee makers are designed specifically for the truck. This model, which lets you brew as many as 6 cups of coffee, is a true classic and an addition to your truck cab.
The coffee machine is of Danish manufacture and has a beautiful design with anodized aluminum. This makes it extra protected against stains. The jug is made of stainless steel and is therefore suitable for the dishwasher.
The Kirk coffee maker is easy to clean.
Handy to use
The stainless steel pot stays firmly in place while driving. The pot is placed in a holder so it cannot fall over. The coffee stays fresh for a long time so you can enjoy coffee while driving.
The coffee maker is easy to install. You can attach the coffee maker to the bottom or against the wall, for example, on a dashboard table or coffee table.
Please note that the coffee maker is supplied without electric plug.
Capacity: 6 cups
Housing material: aluminum
Material coffee pot: Stainless steel
Dimensions: 215 x 160 x 265 mm
Voltage: 24 volts
Power: 500 watts